The Shaman

My name is Peony Aeka. I was born in Japan and i am a direct descendant of the Indigenous Ainu Tribe of Hokkaido.

Recently i was able to trace my ancestors far up to Siberia from the Ulchi tribe, but yet have more to learn of their culture and language which is similar to the Hokkaido Ainu. Until then, i will teach and honor the ways of my mother, and grandfather.

I am a Inkarkur (clairvoyant) with strong spiritual connection to my ancestor who lived in the 18th century. ( read more below) One in particular my great  grandfather with green eyes. My great grandfathers ancestors originated from the northern Sakhalin island. He was a Nivkh Ainu. And a Shaman priest. He migrated to the southern end of the island before being deported to Hokkaido.

My grandfather was a horse shaman born in Hidaka Biratori.  He  possessed healing powers through  his hands and connections with spirits.  My grandmother adopted into the family and learned many native skills such as herbalism and healing wih food. Many mystical practices were also performed for the good of many.  My  great uncle performed traditional bear ceremony yearly called Iyomante. From my ancestors i received this valuable gift as a messenger, and healer, to gather information between the world of Kamuy and human as well as the world of nature spirits. 



Shamanism is part of the indigenous Ainu religion and Japanese religion of many groups of Shinto. 

The Ainu people, believe that everything in nature has a Kamuy (spirit) on the inside. Of the most important Kamuy is Kamuy Fuchi, she is the Goddess of the hearth or fire.

KimUn Kamuy the God of the Bears and mountain and Repun Kamuy the God of the ocean and all that live within the sea. 

The Ainu folk  have a village chief, one that performs many ceremonies by making prayers and offerings to the Kamuy using special implements made of willow sticks and mugwort. 

Prayers to the Gods are very important part of life for the Ainu folks.


Shamans are folks who intereact with the spirit world for guidance to restore balance and healing.  This is the most ancient form of religeon, not based on a particular God but where God is within everything, (animisim, teaches that objects, place, creature all posses a spirit with human characteristics) Wind, water, mountain, sun, all have a soul and even our home. We can ask those souls to show us mercy when we are in trouble. Care and respect towards the Gods of water, moutain, forest and nature must be the part of life or or they will punish them who harms them.  

The main job of the shaman is to build and remain in relationship with the spirit. To work as the mediator between the world of spirit and human, to dance for them and honoring them in ritual is the key. 


There are three types of shamans/mediums. Kuchiyose, those who are possessed by the spirits/Gods, they divine and heal the sick. The Kuchiyose shamans are very powerful in that only specical powerful shamans can perform these rituals. 

Then there are those who become possessed by the souls of the deceased to relay messages from the dead and once again only powerful shamans can perform these trance. 

And finally those who are able to channel spirit to obtain information to inform of activites, to locate people, and thoughts of people who are away, The Inkarkur, the clairvoyant. This is me. I stay on the safe side.


Before I became a shaman, or before I accepted to walk this path, I experienced so much tortures through out my life and suffered much. I was always sick, especially in my ear, throat and mostly my stomach. The  spirits dragged me everywhere day and night. I did not know at that time what was happening to me. I wanted my life to end. I was in so much pain on all levels. I had strange dreams and daytime visions that I could only see. I heard voices that i could only hear, the spirits dictated alot on what needed to be done. I was never at peace.  ( i changed my name to Prashanti/supreme peace just for this). I had so much pain in my body that moved around, but drs found nothing. 

It was the first initiation. The illness, life shattering event, abuse,  lossing my children, developing anxiety, lost my family, my friends and had no support. I felt I didn’t belong anywhere. It was very lonely. 


These voices got louder and prominent, communicationg to me. To ignore them would only be  a horrible conseqence to dissapoint them and my torment would contiue, and may result in death eventually. I was depressed and sought counseling of all kinds, you name it, I did it. But the voices and visions continued. 


It was then in 2015 after my trip to Mongolia, a session with a master shaman did i find answers to this maddness.  

Later, my paranormal senses hightened, and increased. I had to learn to control them. Living in nature, connecting with the elements and nature beings was life changing.  It has strengthened  me to be grounded, away from the city noise and people. I had a native  medicine woman sing for me to open the doors into this new path.


Now, all that was me is gone.  I am only the messenger. 

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