Protection Mirror 8 cm. Price includes postage to usa


Protection and ceremonial mirrors are called Toli

Toli mirrors are traditionally worn as part of a shaman’s attire around the neck, or  on the clothing as part of her armor to protect the shaman from hostile spirit.

Toli may also be worn on the back of her clothing and one in the front to protect the heart.

The larger Toli mirror may also be hung above the door to keep harmful spirits away.

Most Mongolian shamans wore nine mirrors, nine being a auspicious number.

Made from brass, from Mongolia


More reading about mirrors: 

in ancient Japan and Mongolia, shamans used them for healing, divination, and soul retrieval. They often give a spirit a house to live in.  They are a part of the shamans armor to protect them while spirit traveling in trance to the other worlds.  During a ceremony held for the soul of a person who died, the shaman will use 2 mirrors while in trance for protection. one to shine light and illuminate the path for the soul, the other to help the soul find paradise.  Mirrors are smudged in smoke to cleanse them after each use. and wrapped in silk or stored in bags when not in use.

only the larger altar mirrors can be displayed openly.

you can make offerings to them.

to learn more, consider taking a class into Ainu and Mongolian shamanism

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