Geomancy/Time Year/ Feng Shui for 2025


Your fortune in life comes from Heaven luck, Human luck and Earth luck. Your personal energy number is connected to your heaven luck , it is the number you came into this life with. It does not change. It is your birthdate formula i use to acess this number.

The stars are connected to your Earth luck , that is why you can use feng shui to activate and cure the stars. If you combine your personal energy number with the stars you will involve your Human luck for best outcomes.

TIME YEARLY/PERSONAL Energy number (like a good luck number)



  • A yearly feng shui every February of the new year. FOR THE YEAR that you paid for. This is once a year.  So buy this as early as possible.
  • A personal monthly reading based on your birth date and the number that is your special number.  I will send you via email every month until the end of the cycle.  Feb 2025

 Doing just the yearly/personally will not ensure happy results. Those who purchased the 2024 Period FS in addition to this will be happier. This one is optional, but remember, the stars change every year, month, week, and day!

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